



See also:

Steps for creating a Single Language IVR

1. Edit the menu according to your call flow diagram - Example IVR Structure

2. Access PBX/IVRs and click on New IVR

3. Complete the displayed form according to the indications:

CAUTION! Keep the default option HAS LANGUAGE SELECTOR: NO when creating a single language IVR. If the IVR is in several languages, check Has language selector: YES

4. To upload the recorded sound files for the IVR, access PBX / Sound files

Add the required sounds:

5. To complete the single language IVR menu, return to the PBX / IVRs section and click on Edit menus:

6. Complete the IVR menu branches, as in the example below:

Add for each department the desired sounds (concatenated), previously uploaded and add the desired destination:

7. Check Build and reload PBX after save and click Save menus

To disable an option from the IVR menu, follow the steps indicated here.

Available in other languages: RO

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