


Suppliers References

From the "Supplier References" section you can view the products from Suppliers Offers (references) and filtered according to 3 criteria (association status, availability status, insertion mode) or Global Discounts can be set for each supplier separately.

Steps to follow in order to add in the database the references made available in offers by each supplier:

Step 1. Adding the provider to the database, from section "Suppliers List".

Step 2. Creating a parser for the supplier's offers / offers, from section "Suppliers Offers".

Step 3. Upload the supplier's offer and leave it from section "Suppliers Offers".

The list of "Supplier References" (the supplier's offer entered in the database) will be displayed.

Offers can be, in relation to the products on the site:

  • new products offers - go to 4.1
  • offers that update existing products on the site - vezi 4.2.

Step 4. Associate the supplier references with the products on the site.

There are 2 possibilities in this case:

4.1 The products are already documented on the site:

  • Automated Association for products references referintele cu produsele, by "code" / "code and manufacturer"
  • Manual Association, if "code" / "code and manufacturer" do not correspond for references and products
    h3. 4.2. The products do not exist on the site:
There are 3 possibilities in this case:

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