


Suppliers Availabilities

The availability of the suppliers is updated automatically, based on the information transmitted by the suppliers in offers:

1.Suppliers that offer the status of the product (text information)

ex: „in stock” or „next week availability”

This type of information must be associated with "Availability of suppliers" with the preset availability of the system (in stock, on order in x days, ordered by the supplier on XXX)

2.Suppliers that include in offer also the available quantity (numerical)

In this case, only the column "available quantity" must be associated with the parser. The system will automatically determine for each reference one of the 2 availability: in stock / out of stock.

By accessing the list of references for the supplier you want from Supplier References, you will be able to see the number of pieces for each product from the supplier's offer.:

3.Suppliers that send the "in stock" list separately to another file (eg 2-column file: code, in stock quantity)

In this case, a parser is created for each supplier in the Suppliers Inventory module, the availability is to be updated separately, from this section.

4. Suppliers that do not include the status of the product in the offer

In this respect, you will use the information from "Default availability", from supplier's details page (Supplier list).

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